Be Beautiful Through Right Food

Dr Mumtaz Khalid Ismail
5 min readJul 29, 2019
Balanced Diet

Nature is beautiful. Nature has provided enough materials to make this world beautiful. Human beings make beautiful objects by their hands using intelligence and imagination. It is rightly said that a beautiful face is a thing of joy forever. That face will linger in the mind and will be a source for happiness, poems and at times for battles.

In history, the face of the Helen of troy, Cleopatra and Noorjahan caused much turmoil in their respective lands. A ravishingly attractive face of a woman will be cynosure of all eyes and a hand some face of a well-built young man will make a woman miss a beat of her heart.

What are the requirements for the charm and beauty?

A lot of beauty aids are available in the market to look beautiful. But the fact is if we use all possible cosmetics and not having a balanced nutritious diet it will not get any good results, rather becomes ugly. One is beautiful only when he or she is healthy both physically and mentally.

The attention to the hair, eyes, skin and nails is to be given the first priority. Healthy food with protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins will help for the above requirements.

Proper exercise will help to tone up the body. There is no need to go for rigorous exercise; brisk walking is only what required. Fresh air and bath in cool water will refresh the body. If toxins are not eliminated adequately, toxins will be reabsorbed into the system, which is very unhealthy. Good clean bowel is a must for healthy body and for this includes fibre from the natural sources.

Healthy hair

Healthy and glossy hair depends on a whole some and nutritious diet. Hair is made of protein. A protein rich diet can help it grow strong and healthy. Minerals are also important for lustrous hair.

Vitamin A and B rich foods like eggs, mango, liver, dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, dried apricots, whole grain cereals, peas will ensure good hair. Vitamin A is also needed for healthy vision and glowing skin.

Zinc and essential fatty acids guard against dandruff and dry scalp. Foods such as shellfish, pumpkin seeds, nuts and vegetable oils, sardines, mackerel and salmon are good sources of zinc and essential fatty acids. Alfalfa juice in combination with spinach or coriander if taken daily will help the hair to grow fast.

Skin care

Drinking water

Skin is the largest organ in our body. Most of us want our skin to be healthy and beautiful. The solution is very simple. Drink plenty of safe drinking water. By drinking water skin will become moisturised, softens and healthy. It is also essential to avoid all confectionery, chocolates, cakes, sweets and soft drinks which are high in sucrose. You can replace all refined, fried and processed junk food with whole grains, fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Zinc is good for the skin too.

The epithelial layers of the skin require vitamin A and C for normal growth and will help to prevent the pores from clogged up. Evening prime rose oil is also good for healthy skin. Vitamin E found in wheat germ, eggs, nuts and seeds will helps the skin to get ride of acne.


Strong, smooth and pink are the hallmarks of healthy nail. Nails are formed mainly from keratin, a kind of protein. It is important that your daily food includes all the essential amino acids. Like every other part of your body, nails do needs supply of nutrients. Thin spoon shaped nails on the fingers characterises iron and zinc deficiencies. Good sources of iron include green leafy vegetables, fish, poultry, meat, liver, dried dates, raisins, bajra and jaggery. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron. Try taking citrus fruit along with iron rich meals.

Citrus Foods

Zinc containing foods are excellent for brittle nails and infection of the surrounding skin. Mineral calcium does not have many roles in strengthening the nails. It is a myth that the white flecks on the nails are caused by calcium deficiency. Actually it is caused because of over manicuring or in rare instances a zinc deficiency.

Olive oil is good for sparkling nails and hair. The essential fatty acids in olive oil are just the thing for strong finger and toenails. Add a teaspoon of olive oil in your salad for strong and healthy nail.

Teeth and bones

Food for Teeth and Bones

Teeth and bones should not be neglected. Calcium and phosphorus are needed for this. Milk and milk products, fish, meat, ragi, leafy vegetables are good sources. Great importance should be given for the mineral calcium since it is required in large amounts. The human frames rigidity is on the strength of the bones.

Rest and relaxation

Do not forget beauty is in the mind. Both of the person as well as who see it. It is most important to have a happy and stress free mind to have a beautiful body. Rest and relaxation are required for the proper maintenance of health. Sleep disturbances will strain the eyes and general health. Eight hours of sleep is important.

If you have a well balanced diet following the food pyramid with regular exercise and happy mind will make you look beautiful and keep away from diseases.

