A trim waistline
Everyone wants a toned, flat waistline. Most people express more concern about their midsections than about any other part of their body. A slim waistline can think you positive since midsection reveals your general overall fitness. For most people, it is the most difficult part of the body to maintain healthy. I get a lot of questions regarding how to tone up the waistline.
Diet alone won’t help you to tone the body. Exercise is the most vital component of a fitness program. With an exercise program, you will discover that it is a sure way to improve the overall quality of your life. In fact, those who exercise regularly are younger-looking and have fewer health problems. If you are not been exercising regularly, start slowly. Begin with an easy activity such as walking. The ideal time to exercise is one to two hours after eating.
The abdominal muscles are very important for a healthy back, trim waist, and good posture. There are four abdominal muscles. The rectus abdominis is the longest abdominal muscle and is stretched between the ribcage and pubic bone. Thorough toning of this muscle requires exercises that involve both the upper body and legs. The external and internal obliques are the abdominal muscles on the side. They like the rectus abdominis, assist in the flexing of the spine. They also turn, twist and end the middle body and keep it erect. The oblique is best developed by exercises that work the body at an angle such as diagonal crunches. The best way to keep the bulging abdominal areas to a minimum through a combination of sensible balanced low calorie; low-fat diet along with some aerobic activity and muscle toning exercises. No single exercise can engage all the muscles intoning the midsection. More than one exercise is required to just work the rectus abdominal. Follow these programs to firm up and lose inches on your waistline. Before embarking on any exercise program remember that all exercises are not suited to all people. It would be good to take the advice of a doctor and fitness professional before you begin.
Side bend
Stand with your feet slightly apart and link your hands above your head. Bend slowly to the right as far as possible. Make sure that your arms are held close to your head. The body should not lean backward or forward and the legs should be straight. Return to the starting position and repeat to the left.

Sitting leg tuck
Sit on the edge of a chair balancing your weight with your hands behind you. Now stretch your legs on the floor and point your toes, raise your feet just above the ground. Bend your knees, pull them towards your chest and try to touch them with your chin. Then extend or stretch your legs upward at an angle of 45 degrees to the body, slowly lower your legs to the starting position and repeat.

The abdominal crunches.
To perform the basic abdominal crunch lie with both legs bent and slightly apart. This supports and protects the back. Slowly lift the head and shoulders off the floor using the abdominal muscles raising yourself up to the bottom of your shoulder blades. Arm positions can vary the intensity of the exercise. To reduce the intensity extend the arms forward. To increase the intensity place your hands on the back of your head or bring your fists up to your forehead. This can also be done by crossing the arms over the chest. Be careful not to jerk the neck as you lift. Inhale during the relaxation phase and exhale during exertion.

The hip lift
This exercise targets the lower abdominal areas. Lie on your back with your legs raised and ankles crossed the head lifted and supported by the hands. Be careful not to tug on to the head. Contract the lower abdominal to lift your hip area slightly off the floor as you breathe out. Breathe in as you relax.

Diagonal abdominal crunch
This exercise will shape up the sides of your waist. Their main function is to twist and turn the abdominal. Lie with both legs bent and slightly apart. Hold the arms together and come up diagonally lifting the head and shoulders off the floor using the abdominal muscles raising arms to the diagonal side. Repeat both sides.

Sit on the floor with legs stretched straight in front bend the right knee and place right heel against the inner side of the left thigh. Stretch the arms forward towards the left foot. Lower the head toward left knee keeping chest out and spine stretched. Pull the abdomen back towards the spine hold the posture for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. It tones the abdominal muscles.

Exercises will produce muscle soreness to start with but do not stop. Perform eight repetitions the first day; add one repetition every week till you perform twelve. Give this a thirty-day trial. You will not be disappointed.